I bought this tankini from Layers Clothing this year and I’ve just gotta rave, I love it! It’s long so I can bend over, the top doesn’t end right at the “fatty” part of my stomach, and it gives me enough coverage up top. It fits well and let’s face it, is so cute! They have 10 to choose from, click here to check them out.
Those are way cute! Thanks for the link!
I just got the Gracie and it has one of the best fits for those of us who are…top heavy 😉 I love it!
The suit looks really cute! It looks like it really holds in those “mommy wings” I’ll have to check it out.
It’s always fun to see a good ol’ Bruce Willis flick, I like his humor too. And Clark Gabel, well definitely one for the past – personally I think Cary Grant is more timeless!
Have a great weekend!
The suit is darling! I love your style. I also loved your post about “going to Holland.” What a handsome boy you have. I have also “been to Holland” with my Liam who was born with Cystic Fibrosis. He has taught me so very much. Thanks for sharing that.
i was looking at that one. i am still deciding between 2 of them. they are so cute. good to hear you like the fit and everything.
I love that suit. I looked on the website and on the model it didnt look that long. I am almost 6 feet tall. Do you think it will cover my mushy middle parts? LOL
I’m the stylist for Layers and Laurie graciously lets me sell them on executivehomemaker.com. I’m about 5 9 and I have the Gracie which covers my mush with room to spare so I don’t think you’ll have a problem 🙂
They’ve got several new styles coming out over the next few weeks so keep an eye out!
All Layers Clothing can be returned or exchanged so if you’re not happy with it you can always send it back.
glad to hear a review. i’ve been thinking of getting one, but wasn’t sure i’d like it. i think i’m sold!
that is a fabulous bathing suit!