Months ago I read a great post from CrazyMama where she talked about the words in her home. I loved the post and haven’t forgotten about it. I’m finally taking the time to feature the words in my home.

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.”
Years ago, when I was in my “self-discovery” phase I read my Self-Confidence Formula and my Creed for Self-Discipline out loud daily. (No, I’m not kidding. ha ha) I can’t help but laugh remembering those days. They were filled with self-doubt, a lot of anger, and concern for the future. That time in my life was dark but completely necessary.

“Today’s test is tomorrow’s testimony.”
Back in the day Dr. Phil and I were BFF’s! Yet, here I am today purged of past hurts, trauma, and guilt. I relied on the Lord to help me heal and really took that time seriously. As a result I guess I’ve subconsciously filled my home with reminders to myself of how to live and what’s important to me.
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

CHRIST The Center of our home – a gift from a friend. The frame was also a gift from a friend.

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15

The Turk Family, Established 1995

The love of a Family is Life’s greatest blessing. – a gift from a friend.

TURK love one another

Families are Forever – I was so convinced I would have a girl, I added one when I made this quilt. hmm…

Boys will be Boys

FAMILY a journey to forever

DYLAN I am a child of God

DRAKE I am a child of God

DAVIS I am a child of God

A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart – a gift from a friend.
Love & Enjoy Life

Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured – I won this at Mavens.

Eat, drink and be merry – a gift from a friend.

Life Laugh Love iron – a gift from a friend.

Love at Home magnet board – I made with Katri

Live Laugh Love

Home Sweet Home

Refreshments – a project I’m working on in my media room. I’ve got quite the sweet tooth. 😉
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
Subliminal Messages to Myself & Family

You are Special!

Be grateful, Be smart, Be involved, Be clean, Be true, Be positive, Be humble, Be still, Be prayerful.

For Chosen Mothers Poem

Thoughts become words, Words become actions, Actions become habits, Habits become character, Character is everything.
Holy Cow! I’ve got a lot of words in my home. Maybe I need to branch out on my decorating style a bit. ha ha. Each one of these pieces holds a special meaning to me. I’m glad they’re in my home speading positive thinking and joy.
What are the words in your home?