For my business I travel every so often and usually it’s for a social media conference so that I can meet fabulous people and stay up-to-date on an industry that seriously changes every 6 months. {no joke} This year my most favorite conference was the EVO Conference.
My roommates and yes we all “LIKE” EVO and each other! {snicker}
I’ve already blogged extensively about what I learned at EVO and you can check it out on the links below. This post is more to showcase how warm and collaborative bloggers really are!
- How To Create Your Impossible Dream
- How to Grow Your Blog Through Syndication
- The Business of Blogging
What you don’t see from those wrap up conference posts with all the tips, is that we all really ADORE each other! I’m not exaggerating. For me, my favorite part about going to a conference is being able to see some of my favorite people on the planet!
Sure we tweet, Facebook, blog, stumble, +1, and see each other on YouTube all the time – but there’s just something so sweet about hugging a person you only get to see 4 times a year who totally gets you!
I might have asked this young man if I could hold his staff. {d’oh}
You see, I get so bummed out when I see negativity and snarky comments coming from other bloggers. And it’s really been weighing on my mind lately. I’ve been wondering:
- What is the worlds perception of “mom bloggers”?
- Does the public understand how much we respect and support one another?
- Or is the loudest voice the only one that gets heard? {I assure you she does not represent the rest of us.}
Another one of my concerns is the approach of newer bloggers. You would seriously be appalled at some of the emails I receive in my inbox. I have begun to worry that mutual respect for hard work and a job well done ~ has been replaced by entitlement and aggressive behaviors that could easily be construed as intrusive and flat out rude.
I’ve been contemplating my part in all of this. Do I have a responsibility to speak up and share my experience? Can I help in some small way to showcase the true nature of our friendships and business dealings? Quite frankly, I don’t know. But I’ve decided to share more about how I collaborate with fellow bloggers. Not to be braggy or name-drop ~ cuz I think those qualities are unbecoming ~ but in an effort to give you an insiders look of how supportive and positive this world really is!
Therefore, I want to bring you inside my world of blogging.
- We seriously have SO much fun together!
- We share strategies and ideas openly.
- We call each other on the phone and text each other regularly.
- Ego’s aren’t tolerated – so leave them in front of your computer. But honestly most of my friends don’t have one to begin with!
- We actually scream when we see each other and give each other huge hugs. It’s genuine. It’s not cliquey, fake, or attention-seeking. We miss each other that much!
- We celebrate each others successes both in business and in life. Jealousy and competition also isn’t tolerated. {again, most of my friends live their life this way, so it’s rarely an issue.}
- We welcome new bloggers into our world openly and help them all the time!
- We do not require anything of each other. We don’t expect our friends to promote us. Sometimes it happens naturally ~ but it’s not implied, required, or asked for.
- We expect each other to only be themselves, nothing more. We can let our hair down with each other, vent, chill, share our successes, and just be us. It’s a very safe place.
These are the kinds of people who I surround myself with in this fast-paced, highly talented, and demanding business. They are the people who make it so much fun and lift me up.
{Thanks Justin for the photo!}
And girl ~ you should see us on the dance floor. We tear it up!! I love these women so much and I know that we’ll stay friends for the rest of our lives. So if there’s anything that I want the world to know ~ it’s that professional bloggers are warm, collaborative, genuine and so accepting. Not to mention a flippin’ good time! {snicker}
I’m completely honored to be associated with these extraordinary women. And my hope is that these are the type of women who’s behaviors will be emulated. These are the characteristics that make a successful blogger a professional. One who:
- Who becomes a spokes person for a national brand.
- Who writes her own best-selling book
- Who gets her own HGTV show
- Who is featured in a New York Times article
In an industry that is becoming saturated with talented and brilliant women ~ these are the characteristics that will help you lead the pack and really make a difference in your niche. Anything less is just a bunch of hoopla that will eventually be yesterdays hype, not tomorrows successful business woman.
Mine and Jenny’s Xbox Dance Off! {video}
To prove how much fun we really have together. Here’s a silly video of Jenny and I playing Xbox Dance Central in the Xbox Suite at EVO. I didn’t do any editing like Jenny does – it just showcases how fun the game is and what an un-sexy dancer I am. Who picked Riannah?!? We should have known better. {bwaahaa!}