Business Owner

Your Srapbooking can be all Done!

I’m going to be in Houston for the weekend and am going to miss my blogging friends terribly. Since (EH) is being worked on and temporarily unavailable. (Bummer!) I’ll leave you with a different kind of amazing tip. Chanda makes these incredible scrapbooking layouts and sells them on EH. All the work is done for you! Now you can finally catch up on all your scrapbooking for all of your kids! She knows all the latest techniques, there are a minimum of 4-10 embelishments on each layout, and they’re all ready for your 4×6 pictures. You just paste them on!

You can order a 1st Year Scrapbook three different ways:
1. All at once
2. A month at a time (it automatically ships to you each month)
3. A page at a time

Click here to get more details. (Note: Please excuse the quality of the images for her layouts. They were scanned into sections and pieced together – the real product is breathtaking!)

2 thoughts on “Your Srapbooking can be all Done!

  1. Oh my gosh, Chanda SO rocks! That mini book is GORGEOUS!!! I was telling her last night that she needs to enter the blogging world with us. She is too talented to stay on the side-lines.

  2. Not sure how you found my blog, but I’m SO glad you did! Your stuff is so cute and I think that EH site is so awesome. (I can tell we have a lot in common already- your blog is super cute!) I have an etsy site to sell my stuff that I just opened. Email me and let me know the details on how yours works. [email protected]
    I just started posting and haven’t sold anything yet so I could use the exposure through selling on a different site too I think. (Thanks for your sweet comment.)

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