
Let’s Stuff Our Face

Attention all you Utah residence! According to Wendi, we’re going to MIRL (meet in real life) with a lunch this Saturday at 2:30! Everyone is invited, yes even you lurkers! 😉

E-mail me laurie at executive homemaker dot com (no spaces) for further details.

So far here are the bloggers who have confirmed:

Lisa (my sister)
Laurie W

Who else is in?!? Come on, don’t be shy. If you don’t want to meet me, you should at least go just to meet these other ladies!

At church on Sunday, two people asked me how old I am. They thought I was 25. Thanks, I guess. But for those of you who are new to my blog, I am a demure…

What would prevent you from meeting other bloggers? Let’s assume your schedule isn’t an issue.

13 thoughts on “Let’s Stuff Our Face

  1. I wish I was coming, but it’s too much of a drive for one day and I don’t want to leave my hubby with the kids all day. A trip to SLC isn’t in the plans for this weekend.

    Have fun and say hi to my sister Wendi for me.

  2. I am really hoping to fit it in but the cards are currently not stacking up in my favor. But, I really am hoping to get there.

  3. do you really think it is safe to post the details? before the fact? I’m just saying…
    email is safer. but have fun with that!

  4. I’d be all over doing a lunch thing, but I am going to be at a super saturday at my ward! I hope you all have a great time!

  5. well, I wish I lived in Utah, or at least closer so I could join the fun…would love to meet all my blogger pals who’s sites I enjoy! Hope you have a blast!

  6. You guys are hilarious and I love ALL of your blogs! I just stumbled across your blog a few days ago and love it! I live in Bountiful, UT and would love to join ya’ll on Saturday (I am a TOTAL lurker!)If I can make it work I will be there!Thanks for the great entertainment!! (You guys are AWESOME at sharing your every day lives..good or bad..I’m woring on that one!!)

  7. Only that I am on the east coast!!! I would love to be there and meet people from the blogging world!!! I will have to enjoy it from afar on your post!

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