Hey, I’ve missed you Ladies! Here’s a quick post about what we’ve been up to. I bought a Gingerbread house and we decorated it together. They boys had soo much fun.
Drake actually enjoyed this activity as well. 😉
We delivered our Red Plate gifts to our friends.
While we were at Tatiana’s house, I noticed how creative she got with her tree. She has 2 girls under 2 and put a gate around the presents. Genius!!
Davis won the holiday card contest at school and was invited to the KISD Board Meeting to receive his award. If you can’t guess, his is the boy with the “DT” on his hat.
His principal is so amazing, she gave him a new Webkinz to reward him on such a wonderful accomplishment. Davis is STILL beaming from this gift.
After the ceremony we all went for ice-cream to celebrate.
That is one SMART woman putting a gate around her tree!!! My kids are way older than hers, but I still would love to use the gate!!!
That is awesome you son won the card contest, Congrats to him!!!
good job davis!! what a creative genius you have on your hands! i love your red plate idea! i had that growing up and loved it! hope you are enjoying the holidays. miss ya! diana
Merry Christmas Laurie!! Whoever your friend is with the fence around her Christmas tree is, SHE’S A GENIUS! I need that fence! Last year, my boys pulled down the entire tree several times. The first couple of times it was traumatic, but after that I thought about just leaving laying sideways in the livingroom. That fence is heavensent!
That is great Davis. How cool to win a holiday card contest.
how fabulous! that is such a great prize too! we are recently converted to webkinz mania! and all of my kids are loving them. so i know how exciting a new one can be. that is a fabulous gingerbread house too. and love the box play. too cute.
I’ve wrapped my gifts not once, not twice, but three times thanks to AJ. She opened them before I woke up on 2 occasions. I should of thought of the fence! (Although I’m sure she would have found some way to work her way in anyway.) Congrats to Davis – I know this isn’t his first award. You’ve got quite the artist on your hands!