

It’s official, our IRS audit is now over! It’s been 16 weeks of stress, worry, and negotiation. We ended up hiring our accountant to represent us and she did her job. We ended up owing the IRS $0.00.

“I am Vindicated!

I am selfish

I am wrong

I am right

I swear I’m right

I swear I knew it all along!

And I am flawed {{oh so true}}

But I am cleaning up so well…”

I knew that Jason and I are honest in our business dealings and we didn’t take advantage of gray area deductions. I knew that this audit was completely unjustified.

I’m not going to dwell on the small fortune it took to get to this point. I’m just going to feel blessed it wasn’t worse. I have felt completely powerless and victimized and am so glad it is over.

I feel a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. I am relieved. {{teary}}

5 thoughts on “Vindicated!

  1. AH – Hallelujia!!! That is fantastic. I am so relieved for you!!! Too bad you can’t send an anthrax-laced thank you note to the auditor.

  2. Wow!It stills seem so unfair that you had to spend money on an accountant to prove you owed NOTHING! Although, I learned a long time ago the sooner I accepted life wasn’t fair the better off I would be. I am so glad its all over for you! What a nightmare.

  3. So FRUSTRATING! All that time, money, effort and worrying for nothing. Is there a rule about how often you can be audited? Because I would cheat on next years taxes on principle alone.

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