Home Decorator

Model Home Hopping

Wendy and I went model home hopping on our day off this week and boy did we have a good time.

I left this house feeling a like I lived in the slums. I was flabbergasted at it’s beauty. I took a lot of pictures as Wendy was looking at media rooms and I was focusing on curtains.

Media Rooms

This media room has 3 levels – 2 couches and the top level is a bar with bar stools. To the left there is a kitchenette!

This media room had 2 levels – bar and the then couch at the bottom.

Master Bathrooms

Holy Crap! I could totally get used to this kind of living.

This bathroom has a cappuccino machine in it!

Master Bedrooms

Curtain Ideas


I thought this was a cool space room. I’m sure Davis will always want his room to be the same theme so it was nice to see it more for teens.

I thought this paint was darling for a girls room.

You know I couldn’t help myself! I had to play dress up and take advantage of this little girls room. {{amazing}}

2 thoughts on “Model Home Hopping

  1. What beautiful homes. And you apparently had a good time. YOu and I would have fun at these home shows together. I'm always the one crashing in the cozy love sacks and wanting to open doors that aren't supposed to be.

    I was just telling a girlfriend about your day off once a week and SERIOUSLY think I need to commit. A break would be so nice.

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