While I was in Utah, I was invited to attend a Twilight Eclipse premier party at Thanksgiving Point. The best thing about it was that it was at 8pm instead of midnight. {{squeal in delight}} I got all the perks of seeing it first without the sleep deprivation hang over the next morning.
I was a bit under-dressed as there were people dressed up as werewolves and full costume. The party was crazy fun with mom-tini’s called “Edwards Kiss” and “Jacob on the Beach”.
I got the hook up thanks to these lovely ladies who are also fellow bloggers.
Allison, Rachael, and Marie. {{hola!}}
It was a crazy fun evening. Miss you Carina!
Allison and I just couldn’t pass up this photo op taken from someone’s car! How funny to drive around with Edward as a passenger.{{bwaahaa!}}
Yep, we left with some fun swag. VIP guest passes, “Paw-sta”, buttons, cup, and necklace.
Huge thanks to everyone for such a lovely time in Utah!