Well ladies. I’m sad to say that Jason won (for now) and the extra refrigerator which was in our garage is now in my laundry room. We got a new car which doesn’t fit with the refrigerator in front of it. BUMMER! I had big plans for that space – namely the Samantha Entryway Collection from Pottery Barn (picture below). Isn’t it beautiful? I haven’t done any decorating in there yet, but it’s going to have a beach theme.
The laundry room is also the “Time Out” spot in our house. So instead of loosing my temper and yelling, “Go to time out!” I’m going to keep my cool and say, “I think you need some quite time at the beach.” What do you think!?!
Anyway since I don’t give up that easily and still plan on having my “mud room” eventually, I didn’t want to spend too much on a cabinet to store shoes, winter gloves, etc. So I found this cute little rack at Wal-mart for $8.97. I bought 2 of them as well as these cute navy canvas bins that cost $1.50 each. Yeah!
Cute laundry room! I love the beach theme and idea, go think at the beach. Clever.
Bummer on losing the amazing Samantha Collection. Potery Barn, what we would do without that store?
Ooo, I need to get to Wal-Mart! That’s exactly what I need for our shoes and such.
I love your ideas!
I totally hear you… but I would not be happy w/o my extra fridge.
I am so spoiled. 🙂