Small Talker

It’s a Wrap!

I’ve done it! I’m finished shopping and wrapping my boys Christmas gifts. {{applause}} There’s still so much to do namely Christmas cards…

The only part of the Holiday’s that I dread, is the annual Christmas family photo. Usually, I try to rotate between Easter and Christmas to give myself a break and our pictures some variety.

There’s just something about the stress of finding coordinating outfits, getting a photographer (even if it’s a friend), scheduling the day, getting everyone dressed, and maintaining happiness during the fittings and photo shoot. Anyway, here’s the final product of our holiday photo. Whew! It will have to do. (I need to learn how to photo shop BADLY.)

My brother started a bog about fantasy basketball and asked me to design the header. The black one above is the final product! These were some of my favorites:

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I made my mom a blog header as well. I love how it turned out and it’s totally her! She’s a red head and lime green is her favorite color. She has yet to post something, but at least I did my part and it’s all ready for her.

That’s my weekend “wrap up”! (he he)

25 thoughts on “It’s a Wrap!

  1. I so agree with you about getting the picture. I insist that Dentist husband and I are both in it every year and I fret about the family photo until we finally do it. The past two years, we did it ourselves with the automatic timer. Not great photos but good enough.

  2. I totally agree about the picture thing!!!! YUCK…but wonderful at the same time! Your family picture looks great!

    There is one more thing I need to pick up for the K-Man then I’m DONE!!! However, do you think you could come wrap my gifts????-Ha!

  3. your picture looks great! i love it. i’m way impressed that you all coordinate so well. and i can’t believe you are all done with presents. wanna come do mine?

  4. TOTALLY agree on the picture thing. We haven’t taken a professional family picture in two years. I am just not in the mood to do Christmas cards this year. All of the gifts that I have bought are totally wrapped. It is a great way to hide them!

    Your family picture looks great!

  5. Thanks for helping me move my blog to blogger AND for designing and creating my header!! They were all awesome and very hard to choose from. It adds more to my blog than I thought it would. You’re the best!

  6. Waaah I want a header too! Did Lisa get credit for my layers order? I am so impressed you have done so much already. I haven’t even started, you are spinning circles around me! We have portraits this week (I have canceled twice already). It’s usually my most stressful day all year, dreading it big time! Yours turned out great by the way.

  7. The pictures looks really good! I love the blues. Congrats on getting everything wrapped. I haven’t wrapped a single gift, but everything (2 more things) is purchased. Yippee!!! Love the headers. Do you use photoshop?

  8. Your family pic turned out great! Love those argyle sweaters too! Fam pics are always hard to do. Congrats on having your shopping done too!

  9. You are one busy gal! I LOVE the family photo! You guys look great 🙂 Our family photo has one child looking like a sad little puppy… so we aren’t sending it out this year… :S

  10. That is a really cute family photo. Everyone is smiling and looks happy. That’s always good. I’m starting to dread our family pictures on Wednesday. It’s the only time my kid doesn’t like to smile.

  11. GREAT JOB!!! I finished early this year as well! It feels SO great! I love the family photo and the colors are great!

  12. Whew! Way to go! The picture is fabulous.
    I got one email from you but I don’t think it was the only one…
    I sent a reply, you can email me when you have a moment and we’ll talk shop!

  13. LOVE the pictures! love the colors! jealous you are done shopping and wrapping. i bet you can guess what stage of shopping I am on?
    i better get a christmas card/picture! i look forward to it!

  14. I love the Christmas picture and am amazed that your Christmas wrapping is done- I have the shopping done, all I need to do is wrap!

  15. I know that it isn’t the right Christmas Spirit to be jealous… but I am!
    Great picture, and as far as presents bought AND wrapped?? You are my idol.

  16. It all looks great! I’ve been meaning to come back to your blog. You always have so many great ideas! I read a post of yours once about teaching your boys how to make their bed by taking pictures of it – I am making this for my girls! At least – I think this was yoU!

  17. I love your headers! Great job.

    Our Christmas picture from last year turned out to be one of our best ever, but the story behind the photo is that my husband and I had just had one of the biggest fights or our entire lives. We’d both screamed at the kids and NO ONE felt much like taking a family photo! It was horrible, but we all put on our merry smiles and our friend snapped 3 photos…the first of which was the BEST ever!

    My husband laughs and says there are creative memories and then there are created memories. Our Christmas card photo last year fell into the latter category!

    BTW, your photo is awesome!

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