About Laurie

Create Your Own Experience

My sister, Lisa, tagged me about explaining how I came up with my blog title….

Actually, I borrowed the saying from Dr. Phil. LOL! It’s true. Life Law #2 You Create Your Own Experience.

“Your Strategy: Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating the results that are your life. Learn how to choose better so you have better.”

Several years ago I went through this huge self-discovery and healing phase and I read a lot of self-help books. However, the one phrase that resonated with me the most was “Create Your Own Experience.”

I know this sounds weird, but up to that point I was just so busy putting out fires and going through life – I didn’t realize that I could stop at any moment and redirect my life to what I really wanted. That’s also how my parents lived their life (and still do), they just put out fires. I guess it hadn’t occurred to me that everyone didn’t live this way.

That statement is so powerful to me because after reading that chapter in his book, I took control of my life and have been creating a much different life ever since. I look at how my life has changed and Ladies, it’s amazing. I’m humbled and so grateful for that time in my life, as dark as it was, because now I’m on a much brighter path.

Now it’s your turn. What inspired your blog title…

Heather (Yep, still my blog crush!)
Kim (an amazing woman!)
Lacie (I’m dying to know how the flamigo came about.)

and anyone else who’s up to the challenge!

4 thoughts on “Create Your Own Experience

  1. I’d love to know what books you read. That’s funny you got it from Dr. Phil, lol! I also like something he says, “I want you to get excited about your life” That’s what I try to do!
    Oh and my blog title is never a dull moment because I have four kids, all boys. No explanation needed!

  2. I know your Dr. Phil days were tough on you, but I throughly enjoyed them. You were such a plethora of information 🙂

  3. Ok Girl your on…it may just take me a couple of days to get my thoughts in order. I have posted about it before but I am proud to be a flamingo and will gladly share where it all began!

    I love the idea of creating your own experience! I can’t imagine you any other way!

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