Mother of Boys

Big Boy Bed!

What’s new at our house? A big boy bed!

Over the weekend Jason got on Craigs List and found a toddler bed for Drake. I was impressed because we decided to look online Friday evening and by Saturday afternoon it was in our house and fully assembled. Thanks Honey!

The older 2 boys had a race car bed, so we thought it only fair for Drake to have a similar one. Isn’t this fire truck so cute!

Drake loves it. Unfortunately, he’s still waking up several times a night. Now he just walks downstairs and cries at my bed instead of screaming in his crib. Hmmm. I’m thinking habit.

My SIL got this “Mr. Grumpy” shirt for Drake. Talk about appropriate. Do you like how he posed for the picture. 😉

9 thoughts on “Big Boy Bed!

  1. very cute bed! and love the shirt. i got one for my kiddo too. i can’t remember which on though.

  2. I love the bed!! I’m actually looking for a big girl bed for Tiffany, she sleeps on a toddler bed right now, but she is getting to big for it, so if you have any ideas let me know. I also love the shirt!!!!

  3. Such a cute bed! It’s hit and miss sometimes with Luke and sleeping through the night in his bed. Hope things work out soon and you can sleep through the night!

  4. I love the bed and him coming to is a definite step in the right direction. Him picking his nose, however is snot.

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