Every weekday I’m up at 5:00am to give the older 2 boys their medication so by the time school starts it’s in their system and working effectively. It’s with a heavy heart that I put a patch on Dylan and give Davis his pill. I know they need this medication to help them concentrate, learn, and thrive in school but it doesn’t make it any easier. To me, there’s something very unnatural about pumping my precious boys with chemicals daily and it an emotional experience for me each morning.
Most mornings go well, but sometimes Davis just can’t swallow the pill and drama ensues.
This week,we transitioned Dylan from his ADHD patch to swallowing a pill. Needless to say, I have not been looking forward to this necessary transition. However, he has once again surprised me and has swallowed the pill without any problems. {{relief}}
Dylan has received 3 notes from different people in his life telling him how wonderful he is and what a wonderful example he has been for the other children. They have meant the world to both of us as we start a challenging new chapter in our lives. It has also reinforced the necessity for the medication and that we ultimately made the right decision in increasing his dosage.
Reading has been a constant struggle for Dylan but this week he read an entire Magic Tree House book in 2 days. This is a remarkable accomplishment for my little guy and he couldn’t be prouder of himself.
I’m so grateful for the positive outlook and happy nature of my little boys. They have had to endure tough struggles at such early ages. Sometimes the journey is too difficult for me to watch and I have to turn to our Savior for guidance and comfort. I feel His immense love for me and my children. I am once again reminded of the atonement and the blessings we receive daily because of His sacrifice. I know that there wasn’t anything our Heavenly Father and Lord and Savior wouldn’t do for us, because I feel the same way about my family.
Thank you for your post. I have lurked for some time on this blog as well as tip junkie. My son also has ADHD as well as special needs and I have similar feelings about medicating him. Thanks so much for the insight and support – even if it is through the blogsphere.
My son (now 11) has been swallowing his ADHD meds since he was 4. They didn’t have the patch when we started this journey. I know what you mean about hating to give the meds, but it is a necessary in our lives as well. I remember when we first started our journey and how appalled everyone was, now…they definitely notice when a dose happens to get missed. It has made a drastic improvement in our lives but I hope that one day he will be able to have enough self-control that the chemicals are no longer needed.
I’m glad things are working for the boys. I actually turned the car around today and went back to get Ethan’s meds. Last week, I forgot and he was totally out of control!
thanks for sharing. it is so interesting to me how our struggles in this life manifest themselves in so many different ways. people’s lives may seem perfect on the outside, but just scratch the surface a little and we are all struggling in some way to be happy on this earth and make it back home. your boys and beautiful and are lucky to have you as their mother.
honestly. i feel FABULOUS about giving my kids their meds daily. 3 out of 6 so far have ADHD. and from a mom that suffers from adult adhd. i know that a difference the meds make. in myself. if you think about the chemical issues? i think it’s no different than giving a diabetic their meds. you wouldn’t feel guilty about that need. why feel bad about these? i feel like daily meds, while often, are a total hassle, are a necessity and a blessing. i feel blessed to be able to have more focus. to start AND finish something. to finish a thought and communicate it, without bouncing around from thought to thought not finishing any single question. i WISH i would have been diagnosed as a kid, so i wouldn’t have been off the wall annoying, shouting out answers, making stupid sounds. and i’m talking about highschool here.
i’m super thankful for modern medicine.
i’m not saying i don’t forget to hand out the morning meds, or space taking my own sometimes. but i am so glad i have them.
i know i have at least 1 more kid to get diagnosed and medicate. if not more. i am awesome.
hugs! i’m glad they are working well for you.
Thanks for this post. My 11 year old son just started meds about a week ago for ADD….it was a hard decision to make but I am hoping it will help and make the struggle we have been having a little easier. We still have a ways to go but I am hopeful the meds will help.
Your boys are so blessed to have such a fun, positive and dedicated mom! You are awesome!
You are such a great mom for those boys. Thinking of you!
beautiful post Laurie… those boys are so lucky to have you and for you to have them! What amazing strength both they and you are learning at such a young age (and yes, you included!) that will help later on in their lives! You are amazing!!
I know that it is not the same thing, but I feel bad each time Lilly has to use her inhaler and that she has to inhale those chemicals for her asthma. It makes me feel like, ‘why does my kid need this to make her feel well?’ But she does.
You have to remember that ADHD is not a parenting issue, it’s a medical issue and you are taking care of it. ♥♥♥
I hear ya, Laurie. Thanks for this post. It was a hard decision for us, too, but it has made such a huge change in my son’s life and ours. 🙂 Hugs!
What a beautiful inspiration you are to so many parents who struggle with this. Great pictures of the boys and I love the happy faces. 🙂 You’re a great momma.
As hard as it is for you and your boys, it’s wonderful all the same. That there is something that can help them. Thanks for posting this, people need to hear more about this and other similar diagnosis. People don’t truly understand how difficult it can be until they go through something similar themselves.