Hey Ladies. My back surgery was a success and I can now stand comfortably, which I haven’t been able to do since Thanksgiving!
I had a herniated (ruptured) disc in my back, L5 S1, and therefore underwent Discectomy and Laminectomy surgery. The doctors found a bone spur that was causing the additional pain I was experiencing with my sciatic nerve running down my left leg.
Right now all is well, I can’t bend or twist which makes life a bit challenging. I’m either completely horizontal or completely vertical because it still hurts too much to sit. However, I’m so grateful to be on the road to recovery and will start physical therapy soon.
I’m very weak, two of my toes in my left foot are still numb, and I feel like my body has atrophied. 😉 However, I feel so blessed to have my pain meds actually working and therefore I’m comfortable most of the time.
At this point I’m just flat out grateful that I can stand. Boy, how I’ve taken that for granted.
it’s good to see you….great to read a blog from you….awesome that you can stand!
i have been praying for you …
God is good…all the time!
all the time, God is good!
awesome! congrats! it’s good to see you standing up again! sitting is overrated.
hope your recovery continues to go well!
Hopefully the worst is behind you and the best is ahead. Good luck with everything in between!
I’m so glad you are on the road to recovery. May it be smooth and swift.
♥ I'm so glad you're doing so much better! I can't even imagine what you've been through! It makes my bad hurt just thinking about it! Good luck and I hope you're feeling 100% in no time! 🙂
YEAH!!!! I am very happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery!
Perspective is so amazing, isn’t it? So glad you are finding gratitude and that you are smiling again.
celebrate! i am so happy to hear things are on the down hill and that you are progressing! i have been praying for you and think of you soo much! i hope you got my message the other day.
love you!
Oh wow, I’m so glad everything went ok. Standing, bending, laying down, all without pain, we do take that for granted. I fractured my back when I was 16, and was flat on my back, except for potty breaks, for 2 weeks. Not fun at all, but percocet helped.
SO glad the surgery went well and the meds are working! I wish you back to your normal amazing self as soon as you possibly can! I miss seeing you around!! love ya!