One of the {{many}} problems with being out of commission for 3 months is that things and relationships aren’t maintained and kept in good condition. I had anticipated this problem and once I was able to resume a daily schedule; repairing my relationship with my youngest son would be a priority.
He has always been a Daddy’s boy and my “bed rest” so to speak was like a vacation to him. He got dad all to himself and he loved every minute of it.
One of Drake’s favorite things is going to the park and the playground. Don’t confuse the two, he will correct you! A park is outdoors and the playground indoors like McDonalds. 😉
So when it’s our turn for play dates, we pack ’em up and head on over to play. We’ve been going about 3 times a week. It’s done a number on my back but it’s really helped Drake’s attitude and our relationship.
Play dates are my life and right now everything revolves around them and my physical therapy. I’m enjoying the simplicy of life right now.
Another thing that needed to be repaired was my house. Holly crap it was dirty! I’ve had some help getting it organized, so the last thing was my closet, the carpets, and touching up the paint on the walls.
I outsourced the carpets, covered all the food & finger prints with paint, and tackled my closet. Whew! Jason’s been out of town several times so it’s been a long couple weeks. However, he’s now home, my house is back to how I like it, and Drake and I have reconnected.
Life is good. {{relief}}
Good for you! It’s quite obvious that you are a wonderful wife and mother!
That was cute. I am glad you are able to enjoy all the simple things in your full life. And glad you are back on your feet again.
it’s amazing how much we do miss being a mom and housewife, when we aren’t able to do it. i am happy you have been able to repair and reconnect! although i had a good laugh at your holy crap dirty closet-before picture….!! that’s nothin’ girl!! i miss you soo much… we need to get chatting again!
glad you are feeling better.
Hope you are recovering well.
I will now remember the difference between a park and playground. Thanks for the info.
♥ I love your closet!!! 🙂
I’m glad you have the time and health to play with your boys. My after closet looks like your before!
Finally, a sigh of relief for Laurie! Great job on the damage control! You are the queen of organization in my book. I could use your advice on a few rooms/closets in my house. I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to get out more. Now that you’re better, we should come visit you again and this time go out and play together!