
Twilight Songs

I know this post is going to seem like I have WAY too much time on my hands. But life is kinda stress full right now. {{pulling hair out}}

How do I deal with it? Like I always have, through music.

I’ve been on my computer all afternoon. I’m all caught up on Tivo and without movies in my mailbox. So I thought I’d YouTube some fun music while I frantically tried to answer all the “to do’s” in my inbox. Here’s what I found. Enjoy!

Official Twilight Sound Track Songs {{apparently – don’t take my word for it.}}

YouTube Preview of all the songs

1. Muse – Supermassive Black Hole {{LUV it}}
2. Paramore – Decode
3. The Black Ghosts – Full Moon {{luv it}}
4. Linkin Park – Leave Out All The Rest
5. Mutemath – Spotlight (Twilight Mix) {{luv it}}
6. Perry Farrell – Go All The Way
7. Collective Soul – Tremble for My Beloved
8. ParamoreI Caught Myself
9. Blue Foundation – Eyes on Fire – {{LUV it}}
10. Rob PattinsonNever Think – {{LUV it}}
11. Iron & Wine – Flightless Bird, American Mouth {{My favorite!!!}}
12. Carter BurwellBella’s Lullaby {{luv it}}

Have you heard these songs called the Twilight Hour with the Mitch Hansen Band? The first one is so freakin‘ funny!

These aren’t the actual names of the songs, I just picked out the best lyrics for each song.

1. Jacob Black – Nothin‘ but a Dog {{too funny!}}
2. Edward Cullen – I haven’t heard my heart beating for 90 years {{sweet}}
3. I fear #3 {{hehe}}
4. Jacob Black – When the Cold one came (We’ll all grow old, you’ll have no soul)
5. Alice – You don’t even know the things she can see. It’d be clearer if you’d make up your mind. {{I love Alice}}

The day is now over and my inbox is now empty. {{relief}}

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