Family Cruise Director

Happy Easter

Whew! We made through Easter weekend. I don’t know about you but ours was crazy packed with lots of Easter Egg Hunts, parties, and family traditions.

Egg A House

We Egged Houses with the boys. This year I let them choose who to egg. They had such a great time but were bummed that I didn’t have more eggs. Note to self – more eggs next year!

Decorate Eggs

After Dylan’s soccer game, the boys were ready to decorate eggs.

I bought an egg spinner this year and it has a big hit!

Party Hardy with Friends

Some friends hosted the most “egg”credible hunt on Saturday.

They live next to a green belt and the kiddos had a blast trying to find eggs.

The little guys searched for eggs inside the back yard while the older kiddos went into the green belt.

By this time Drake is now a seasoned pro at finding eggs. How many hunts did we attend this week? Way to many…

I love this picture of Jason with the older boys. The evening was seriously so much fun. The food was AMAZING!! Hopefully, I’ll get some new recipes in my inbox this week. 😉

Easter morning was really low-key this year. I was proud of myself for not going overboard like I normally do.

The Easter Bunny brought a new Wii game and candy. Davis said that this was the best present the Easter Bunny has given them. {{whew – officially off the hook}}

I think it’s funny that the boys don’t believe in Santa but they believe in the Easter Bunny. Too funny!!

Drake had a great morning with his bubbles, candy, and Easter Bunny on a bike. Who knew that thing would be such a hit!

I love how their outfits came together this year. I wanted to go a bit loud since this is probably the last year Drake will wear what I tell him too. 😉

All my boys!

Do not ask me what is happening with my crazy hair. I haven’t had it colored or cut since my surgery and it’s obviously developing a mind of it’s own. Geeze I’ve got to get into my hair dresser!! {{help}}

Jason got out the tripod and tried to take a family picture with all of us. So here we are!

We ended the day with friends over for dinner. Can you believe I didn’t take a single picture? I guess I was too busy playing hostess and having a great time. All of the kids were either upstairs or outside. It was quiet and fabulous. Once the men went upstairs to play Guitar Hero & Darts, the women sat and played Sequence. We had such a peaceful day!

7 thoughts on “Happy Easter

  1. You guys look great! Love the turquoise. It was a bummer that it rained yesterday. We had to take our pics indoors, too. I’m not a big fan. Too dark. But your’s look good.

  2. you guys know how to enjoy every holiday! i love your easter outfits. you all look so beautiful as usual. i love your hair. i think it looks really pretty. i also LOVE your skirt. pls tell me where i can go to copy! jordi and i were just looking at our cruise pictures today. it brought great memories and i miss you sooo much!

  3. Looks like a wonderful Easter with fun adventures! We will have to egg houses next year…FUN!

    I am all worked up over my camera!! I want the perfect pictures now! You know the kind pros take-Ha! Our little college is offering classes this summer for a week and I am really thinking hard about taking them!
    I keep telling myself it is the memory not the picture!

    Hey, I think your hair looks great! I have the long hair thing going…STILL! I tried to cut bangs- they looked great, but I haven’t been back in 4 months. SO, they are no lo0nger bangs-Hee!

    Good to hear from ya!

  4. I don’t know what you are talking about!? I was just thinking that your hair looked great!
    Love the family pic. 🙂

  5. Hey I recognize one of those houses!! You guys are great! Nate has been so sick and had such a great time collecting the eggs. Your thoughtfulness is unmatched! Love you guys!


  6. I love how the outfits turned out! Drake’s a pimp in his jacket and the boys look so grown up in braces and sweater vests. Oh and you’re one hot mama!

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