Business Owner

How do you store Legos?

Jessica over at Life As A Mom is doing a series on taming the lego monster. You know I love a fun theme!

In our home Legos provide great joy and hours of play time. My boys are little engineers and therefore they make the coolest things and create entire worlds in their room. With 3 boys and 5 sets of grandparents, we have a LOT of Legos.

How do I store our Legos? Labeled bins and large under the bed bins.

1. One for the Mars to Mission Legos.

2. Another for the “work in progress” or “completed” Lego creations. This way they can store their Lego creations safely in this large bin and not have them get broken. It also solves the “I’m working on that!” issue when it comes to clean up time.

3. I also cut up the cardboard boxes and keep the pictures of the completed Lego projects for inspiration and future Turk boy play time. I keep all of the instructions manuals and cut out cardboard pictures in it’s own little bin for easy clean up and safe keeping.

I have the Indiana Jones Legos in their own bins which we keep in Dylan’s room since he got them for his birthday.

I try to keep the Bionicles, Mission to Mars, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and other themes in their own containers. However, that doesn’t always happen. I don’t stress out about it and just try to encourage only 1 theme to be opened at a time.

Soon, we are going to convert our guest bedroom to a Star Wars bedroom for Dylan. Then Dylan will have a long shelf to hold all the finished Star Wars Lego vehicles. It will serve several purposes as a storage solution, a brag wall to show off his hard work, and decorations for the room.

How do you store your Legos? Be sure to head over to Jessica’s post and let her know: Taming the Lego Monster.

6 thoughts on “How do you store Legos?

  1. Umm… my boys make the actual item once, after that they all become dyi 'spaceships' I don't think they even consider that they should make the item again. (lucky for me… because it SO isn't going to happen:)

    Or, you could do like my mil does and color code them. Ie., green in this box, blue in that one — except this made me develop a literal eye twitch that I suffered with all summer until we came home. There is a story there… I'll bore you with the details later. 🙂 Love ya!

  2. thanks for the post. i have the same issue with legos and we are now going to transform lukes room into a play room just so we can fit the legos!

  3. wow…don't let my boys or husband see all those legos. They might get some ideas. Thankfully we are still only at 2 20-qt storage boxes. One for legos and one for duplos (my guys are still little). I also keep the instruction manuals for all the kits that have contributed to our current lego population. Right now they're in a gallon-size zip bag and set on top of the legos before shutting the lid. I tried putting all the tiny special pieces into small gladware containers, but the kids still aren't willing to put them back there. Maybe when they're older…
    I like your idea of having a large box for projects in progress–we may have to implement that soon.

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