Family Cruise Director

Memorial Day on the Lake

I think this is the first year {{ever}} I can truly say that I’m looking forward to summer. I’m going to really enjoy not getting up at 5:30am, I’m going to enjoy being at the pool with friends, and I’m going to enjoy time with my family.

It’s taken us longer than most, but we’ve finally found our rhythm and what works for us. We are surrounded by amazing friends who put up with our quirky nature which makes all the difference in the world.

We’re just a bunch of nuts.

We’re embracing it and enjoying every minute of it.

We love being at the lake but Davis likes builing sand cities even more! {{wink}}

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day with your family. Huge hugs to all who have served our country! I can’t thank you enough for your sacrifice and service. I feel honored to live in a country that has so many freedoms and opportunities.

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