Mother of Boys

1st Day of School

The last two weeks of summer was a bit stressful because we found out that both the boys schools got new principals.  {{sigh}}  The reason this is a big deal is because I had already met with them the end of last year to insure fabulous teachers.

Yes, I’m “that” kind of mom.  My boys need a specific kind of teacher to ensure a successful year. Not the best teacher according to reputation, but a teacher with specific personality traits.  I believe whole-heartily that you’ve got to set your child up for success!  This is one of the ways I do that.

It was a little stressful, but it all worked out and the boys have the right teachers that can work with their specific needs.

Since Davis is going into 6th grade, this will be his last year in Intermediate school.  He has a full schedule this year with Honor Choir, playing the french horn in band, Scouts, and Karate.

He’s already started having that snarky tween attitude. {{said lovingly of course}}  He’s trying to grow up and have more privileges but doesn’t quite understand that comes with respectful behavior.  HA!  Hopefully, he’ll clue in soon enough.

He’s such a good and bright boy!  You would never know that at 4 years old the doctors didn’t think he would be able to be fully integrated into public school and thriving so well.  I cannot tell you how proud of him I am.  He’s overcome so many obstacles and challenges in his short life.  I’m honored to be his mom.

Dylan is going into 4th grade which also be his last year in Elementary school.  He’s such a wonderful peacemaker and sincerely good little boy.  He excels in everything he tries, but it takes him a while to warm up to the idea of trying something new.  This year he will be busy with soccer, Scouts, and Karate.

He’s still an avid SciFi reader which makes me really proud of him.  He’s probably the most like me out of all the boys.  It’s nice to be able to understand what he is thinking and how he is feeling.  It makes my job just a little easier with him.

We are so excited for this school year and we know that it will bring new challenges, great adventures, and wonderful learning experiences.  Bring it on!

One thought on “1st Day of School

  1. I love your label "CUTE KIDS". Yes, they are. I'm one of those, too ("that" mom). Luckily, I don't have to worry about the principal, just need to talk to the school secretary, who's in charge of it all, anyway… lol!

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