Family Cruise Director

15 Years Together

To celebrate our 15 year wedding anniversary Jason and I went to St. Augustine, Florida for an adventure.  It’s the oldest city in the United States and has a lot of rich history.

One of our favorite things to do is be cheesy tourists and discover new cities.

St. Augustine is perfect for us because it’s right on the beach yet it has a lot of things to do and see.

We did it all!  Rode the trolley tours, toured the forts, and enjoyed the time together.

We even made it up all the stairs to the top of the lighthouse!

Ripley’s Believe it or Not! was a lot of fun with some cool photo ops.

It was just a cool weekend with a lot of yummy food and quality time together.

On our way to the airport we decided to take a leisurely drive along the coast and made a lunch stop quick stop in Daytona Beach.

My goodness I cannot believe that it’s already been 15 years that I’ve been married to the most wonderful man.  It seems like just yesterday we had our first baby and were in the throws of trying to figure out parenthood. 

The last 15 years has been a wild ride but one that I would absolutely do again but only if Jason is by my side.

We have endured sickness and health.  We have been broke, wealthy, and broke again.  We’ve had to endure the pain of having two children diagnosed and medicated.  We’ve had our dreams dashed and other dreams fulfilled. We have lived in 3 states and have finally found our permanent home here in the DFW area.  We adore it here! We have been tested beyond our abilities.  We have laughed together, at each other, and as a family.  We have cried together, been in pain together, and have been the rock each other needs to keep moving forward.

I’m honored to have picked a man who completely gets me.  Who loves my excitement for html {web coding}, Sci-Fi and action movies, my OCD and OTT tendencies, and who appreciates all that I am and overlooks all that I am not.

I would never have guessed 15 years ago that we would live in the DFW area, have 3 boys, and I would be a professional blogger.  {{bwaahaa!}}  If I had gotten that fortune I would have laughed my head off in disbelief.  However, I am truly grateful for my husband, for my boys, and for the life I have today.  I’m honored to have the responsibilities and opportunities that I have and try by best to fulfill them with integrity and the best of my ability.

I live life each day with the moto “Where much is given much is expected” and I earnestly always try my best.  Every morning I also tell myself, “Today is a new day with no mistakes in it!”  Hopefully, I’ll live the next 15 years the way I have the last.  

2 thoughts on “15 Years Together

  1. As a follower of your blogs in Jacksonville, Florida, I wish I could have shown you a little southern hospitality. I'm so happy you enjoyed your anniversary trip. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  2. What a great tribute to your 15 years of marriage! It's so important to take time together and you picked a great place!

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