

I finished Eclipse today, it’s the third book in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. As always it’s an easy and quick read even though it’s over 600 pages.

*Spoiler Alert* Sort of…

I’ll be honest, I’m bummed. I liked the second one better, New Moon. I’m an action girl and I felt like this book should have started at page 530 and continued on from there. I do think that this book was necessary closure for the characters and needed to be written this way – I just wish it had a lot more action in it. I’ve decided that I wouldn’t be as frustrated if the 4th book was already out. I’m still lovin’ Edward.

If anyone wants to borrow the book, just let me know.

9 thoughts on “Eclipse

  1. I haven’t started it yet. Is there going to be a 4th book? I liked the first 2, and definitely plan on reading Eclipse too.
    PS I tried sending you an invite to my private blog. Let me know if it doesn’t work.

  2. seriously! so glad to hear another opinion! i will now die until the next book comes out! i myself didn’t love new moon. but it moved the story along and got them to this story line in eclipse! wish you lived close so you could come to our discussion! see know you know what i meant when i was bummed at the end.

  3. Wow, someone else that has finished. I felt so horrible for Edward and Jacob. And even though I felt it was important to the story the end was torture. I love Edward and I think they are meant to be, but then I think about how Jacob said she would have been fine if he had not come back…. wondering?? I am dying for the next book. Oh i hated the way this book ended. And I feel the same way about the action stuff. Wish you lived closer you could come to our discussion 🙂

  4. I have never even heard of Stephanie Meyer before today (Jenny had it on her post). I’ll have to give her books a try.

    I was looking at your previous post and I really like the rod iron piece above your bed, it looks great!!

  5. I am a Jacob lover 🙂 I admit. Problem for me is that I compare all things fiction and non to my own experience. I have had both an Edward and a Jacob and I chose the Jacob. If I could remove myself and my experiences from my reading I might change my mind. Who knows…I have left out my actual reasoning because I would rather talk to you in person then spill my guts all over you blog…so next time we have a chance I would love to chat about it.

  6. Loving Edward!

    So frusterated at Bella. What kind of girl would want to wear sweats or jeans to her wedding??? Come on! A little bit of vanity is not bad! Bella is a scrub and yet is “oh so desirable to men.” I so don’t get that.

    I really enjoy the books, but honestly, it was the highlight of a horrible vacation. I think reading a textbook from geometry 101 would have done as well.

    Ah, perspective. 🙂

  7. Hi Laurie! So, a long time ago you commented on my blog and I didn’t even see it until now (at least, I don’t remember seeing it…)! So I just wanted to stop by and say hola. What a fun blog you’ve got going on here. 🙂
    And I LOVE the Twilight series! *B

  8. I have heard of this series, but have not read them yet. I hope to check them out soon. I’m a closet Buffy fan. Shhh.

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