Business Owner · Girly Girl

Julie’s Rock’n Birthday

The part-ay and the crafting has continued! We celebrated Julie’s birthday on Tuesday here at my house. Now we’re going to have to make up reason’s to see each other. 😉

Isn’t this such a simple but bold wrapping idea? Love it!

I made this Julie Rocks! game and played it at the party. I’ve known Julie for 2 years now but I learned more about her making this game than I had the past 2 years.

Here’s the inside with the instructions and the game pieces.

How did I come up with this completely fab party idea you ask? I was inspired and plagiarized, um I mean blog borrowed, this idea from the Totally Tiffani game that Lindsey made Tiffani for her birthday. Thanks Ladies!

You can get more pictures and details on how to make this game board on Executive Homemaker. What was your favorite birthday celebration or gift?

9 thoughts on “Julie’s Rock’n Birthday

  1. You are so crazy. That was a blast! I still can’t get over that game. The pics don’t do it justice. The textures alone were amazing. It was so cute!!!

    You go, girl!!!

  2. Ok- I’m starting to think that all yall do is have birthday parties-LOL!!! Actually, it’s not a bad way to spend your time…Hee Hee!

    Keep the ideas and tips coming!

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