Business Owner

Executive Homemaker is Up!

I want to thank you guys for your patience while Executive Homemaker was down. It was hacked with a virus along with 30,000 other websites. The virus corrupted the data and then my server backed up the corrupted data. It was a mess!

I feel terrible for those of you who were planning birthday parties and needed summer schedules and they weren’t available. It looks like Executive Homemaker is fully up and running now so you should be able to print out everything you need, free of course.

I did loose a little bit of data and I’ll do my best to re-post those few items over the next couple weeks. It was awful for me to see something I’ve worked so hard on the past 2 years corrupted in one afternoon. I’m over the shock and am grateful there wasn’t more damage.

So register, upload your blog posts, pictures, and files for the world to use. You get credit for everything you upload. I’m now accepting new Mom-prenuers for the online store. Shoot me over an e-mail if you’d like more information.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

2 thoughts on “Executive Homemaker is Up!

  1. YEAH!!! I’ve been needing some good ideas and knew you had some on EH. I’ve been going through withdrawls.

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