Since Jason’s family reunion where the boys went fishing with Gramma Betty, the boys have been obsessed with fishing. Jason recently came back from fishing in Alaska and fishing mania has erupted in our home.
A quick trip to Cabella’s for some gear and thanks to an invite for fishing and fireworks with a friend from work – the boys are officially fishermen.
Dylan caught 6 fish. Holy cow, great job!!
Davis caught 2 fish. He caught the only bass with one of his new fishing leers. He was ecstatic!
Drake even caught a fish. Which he thought was pretty exciting until it touched his leg and then he pretty much just freaked out!
Several of the fish didn’t make it back to the lake safely. Drake had to point each one of them out. He loved the excitement of all the movement in the water.
After a little while fishing got old for Drake and he was OFF – the constant escape artist that he is. Here, he’s contemplating my firm directions to “come back”.
Of course, he decided against it.
The boys loved the fireworks.
They also enjoyed the cupcakes too. Can you guess who had the red, the white, and the blue cupcake? {{giggle}}
Happy 4th of July!!
way fun fishing! and love the shirts on your boys! they are always dressed so cute! LOVE IT!
funny of drake thinking about it and then walking away. way to catch that one on film!
The shirts look great. I haven’t been fishing forever – I loved that when I was a kid.
I bought the same shirt for Tiago but in white with the red and blue stripes….I love it how they all coordinate!!!
Drake’s personality is just priceless…way to go for getting a picture of that!