Girly Girl

What’s Your Guilty Pleasure?

I’m an emotional eater. Since I need some serious emotional support this week, I thought I’d send a shout out request for a new food to call my ‘guilty pleasure’. In the past, I’ve indulged in:

Tomato & Basil Wheat Thins

3 Musketeers Mint Bar

California Rolls

Then there’s the staple of Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper. I’ve started rotating them to change things up. I get bored easily.

I need your help finding a new snack! So, post a picture of your favorite snack (a.k.a. guilty pleasure) on your blog and then either comment on this post or e-mail me, and I’ll feature you! (Feel free to be in the picture.)

It will be a fun game we’ll play all week. 😉 As an incentive to play, I’ll feature everyone who participates on Tip Junkie this Friday!

That’s some major traffic for you and lots of yummy snacks for me – win/win!

20 thoughts on “What’s Your Guilty Pleasure?

  1. Lol, this is a cute idea. I am a fan of all the snacks you listed too.

    I love kettle corn, also homemade pita chips and hummus. Frozen grapes are also really good!
    I posted some recipes on my blog.☺

  2. My guilty pleasure would have to be Mountain Dew for sure!!!!!
    I could drink gallons of it everyday…darn it!
    I’ll post about it today!

  3. I got a sorbet/yogurt/ice cream maker from Williams Sonoma about two weeks ago. Bad idea…sorbet every night now. Adding the receipe for the sorbet to my page.

  4. Cute idea. Those mint 3 musketeers look yummy..I’ve never tried one. And of course, Dr. Pepper. Definitely one on my list!

  5. Well since this is a G-rated blog, I will have to say Sees candy peanut crunch! So good! 😉

  6. i love Brownies!
    and DR.Pepper TOO!
    not together.
    and honestly PIZZA does it for me! I LOVE PIZZA! i might post, if i do i’ll email you.

    ok but i don’t qualify since i don’t feel guilt about my food choices.

    unless of course i feel guilt about a 6 dollar piece of cheesecake? yeah LOVE THAT TOO!

  7. I’ve just posted my “guilty pleasures”! Thanks for making such a fun post for us to participate.

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