Do you ever get to the point where you have so much to say, that you can’t say anything at all? The past several months my head has been spinning with ideas, blog posts, things to share, feelings, upsets, and drama. But what do I do with it?
Why? Chalk it up to fatigue, time, interest, lack of eloquence, attention span, it could even be all of these things.
Somewhere along the road I’ve lost my voice, my right-fighting (the good kind not the destructive type), my passion, and fight to be heard. I’ve become…
Alas, it is true and as you can tell I have lost my voice on my personal blog. The difference is, that I know exactly the reason this has happened.
I can no longer tell my story the way I want to. I know you hard-core-long-time-bloggers are disagreeing with me and you can leave your comments and tell me how you deal with it. But now that everyone I know reads my blog, it’s no longer fun.
Lisa (my sister) and I talk about this all the time, the most fun we had blogging was in the beginning when only strangers read our blogs. We could poke fun at our ourselves, our families, tell stories as they really happened (not edit or omit names and drama), and didn’t have to worry about hurting other’s feelings if they weren’t invited to an outing.
For some reason, having to make little omissions or not being able to share the entire story takes the authenticity out of my blog and makes me not want to post at all.
I was talking to Wendy the other day, telling her the latest drama. She said that I had the best stories and had to write them in a book one day! That made me so sad, because that is what my blog is supposed to be. It’s supposed to be about those unbelievable things that happen in life, how you over come them, deal with them (right or wrong) and how you really live.
I’ve decided that right or wrong, good or bad, that’s what my blog is going to be about from here on out- real life. I’m tired of editing, omitting, and trying to keep everyone happy or feelings in tact.
From now on, if you don’t want it blogged about – don’t do it. Better yet, if you don’t want to hear about – then don’t read my blog.
My personal blog isn’t for traffic, branding, or publicity. It’s just for me to record, vent, and develop supportive and healthy relationships with other bloggers who share the same passions, heartaches, and creative outlets that I do.
Sure I could go private, but then I’m not able to meet new bloggers and really develop the online relationships I’m looking for. I have very different interests than my friends in real life. Of course I ADORE them and wouldn’t trade them for the word! However, I draw a lot of strength from my blogging sista’s. I have relied on them in ways my friends in real life wouldn’t understand.
You can take this as a warning or what it really is an invitation to be a part of my life and my story. The good, bad, and ugly truth.
I’m not a snarky or mean spirited person and would never outwardly try to hurt someones feelings, especially someone I love. However, I do want the freedom to express myself, laugh at, and enjoy my own life and the experiences I have while in it.
Naturally, it’s going to take me some time to get back into the habit of blogging daily, being authentic, and finding my rhythm again. But it’s something that I’m really looking forward to. Life is flying by at light speed and I’m missing opportunities to express how I’m feeling and recording the unbelievable that’s happening all the time.
I hope people in real life understand, will be supportive, and know that yes I will have my camera. {{wink}}