ONEHM has challenged us to post pics of our homes. I really hesitated posting mine, because only the boys rooms are finished. I have a ton of painting and window treatments to do. We moved in 1 1/2 years ago but I had a baby. I guess I just thought I’d be farther along by now. Ok, enough of my disclaimer. (I know that was silly.)
Here’s my formal dining room. I want to paint it soon – any suggestions? I’m still looking for fabric for the window treatment.
Kitchen. After I paint the kitchen, I’m going to have vinyl lettering put under the rolling pin that says, ‘I Kiss Better Than I Cook!’. (he he)
Here is my second flower arrangement attempt. Now I need to figure out what color to paint my bathroom and what kind of faux paint for this niche. Any suggestions?
I’ve posted a lot of decor stuff from my house already:
- Bathroom Towel Ideas
- Game Room
- Top Ten Things in My House
- Canton Trip
- Closet Make Over
- Cowboy Bathroom
I’ve had so much fun seeing everyone’s homes and getting tons of decorating ideas. Be sure to share your’s too!
LOVE YOUR HOUSE! And I love that this is “not finished”…it looks amazing! I’m posting it on mine right now!
Thanks for playing! I love seeing everyone’s homes too!
Your house is beautiful! I love how you’ve decorated. It looks so homey and inviting! Thanks for posting the pictures. It was really fun to look at.
Wow, what a pretty home you have. I wish I had even one decorating bone in my body. I’m so bad at it. I have big painting plans for my home too, but I had a baby just a year ago and the big plans have fallen by the wayside.
Let me just say these pictures do not do it justice. Laurie’s house is SO warm and beautiful. I know that this looks draling, but it is just SO much better in person. Laurie, you are stressed about it right now, but I’m telling you, I always love to go to your house. It feels so comfortable and it is just lovely in every way.
Very lovely!!! For “not being finished” it looks amazing. You’re great at that stuff!
I love your house! I absolutely love your vinyl lettering “boys will be boys!” I need to do that for my little guys!
Do you make all of your floral arrangements? I need to learn how to do that!
My sister will be moving there next week! I can’t believe it. Her hubby is already staying in the house and has been painting all of the rooms {Janis is worried about the colors because he picked them out}! Yikes! I would be scared if my hubby picked the colors out in our house–he hates painting so maybe we wouldn’t have color at all!
Love your window treatments in your bedroom. Looks like a million buck!
Love the post!
I agree with Rochelle- your house is even better in person! It is beautiful and you have done a great job with it!! I love the “Boys will be boys” going down the stairs!
so fun! My fav is the stairway with the pictures! Love the decorating and what a cute house you have! 🙂
it’s absolutely beautiful… but i’m sure you already know that. i love seeing people’s houses – it gives you such an insight into their personalities. plus i love seeing new decorating ideas. very very cute. love it all! thanks for sharing!
oh you have a beautiful home.. how fun! I like the iron thing you have in your master bath mirror.. that looks really nice!
Laurie is was so fun looking at your home. It is gorgeous, and so very warm, and inviting. You have such a knack for decorating. I was able to view it on Ashley’s blog. It has been so fun looking at everyone’s homes!
Email me your email address. i want to invite you.
[email protected]
Oh love your house. We are hanging movie posters in our Media Room too.
Great pics, Laurie! But you don’t have a pic of my fav part of your house, which is the huge rolling pin above your pantry! Too fun!
Love the pictures…your house is beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog! 🙂
Ok so you said it wasn’t finished looks great to me. I love the good ideas I got, thanks for posting! I love the hanging basket!
Katrina – It looks like I forgot the kitchen all together. I went ahead and added it. I also added the Cowboy Bathroom link.
Your home is beautiful! If only I could get some decorating done here at our house! It’s on the list! 🙂
Your home looks beautiful. I look reading about all your little details to things. It always gets me thinking of good ideas.
Love your beautiful house!! Such a great eye for design.
I love your house. It’s beautiful and comfortable to be in. I love when you host events ’cause I like being in your house. It’s very friendly and warm – like you! 🙂
Your house is beautiful. I love the windows in your bedroom.
Beautiful house!!! (except the master bath, needs a little makeover, sorry I watch HGTV all the time, just like lights, mirror, counter tops, sink, and faucets) I really love the cowboy bathroom, I’m from TX so it’s perfect!
Roro – Girl, I said I wasn’t done. In my master bath I’m going to paint it the same color as my bedroom but apply a stain to it. I’m also planning on adding molding around my mirror and then painting the molding black. Of course I’m going to change out the light fixture and the towel fixture. I’m even toying with the idea of spray painting the shower metal black like Rochelle did with appliance spray paint. I love lots of fun ideas to implement over the years. I also want to make a board or something that says, “Always Kiss Me Good Night” or something like that.