I can’t believe it, as of Tuesday, I have been blogging for one year! On the outside not much has changed: I have 3 boys, live in the same house, my man has the same job, and I still go to Mavens, book club, and dinner club with the same fab friends.
But in reality a lot has changed:
* Davis has braces
* Davis is now medicated
* Dylan has been diagnosed with ADHD and is now medicated {{a hit to my ego}}
* Finished Mommy & Me gymnastics with Drake
* Drake is talking a little
* Drake is in a big boy bed – although still not sleeping through the night
* Jason’s going to school to get his MBA
* Executive Homemaker which took over a year to design and 5 years as a concept is 15 months old and has 2,333 members and growing at a rate of 300+ new members every month.
* Executive Homemaker’s online store has grown from three to 26 Mom-prenuers!
* Tip Junkie is 11 months old
* My house is a little prettier and more organized
* My Dad is divorced
* My brother Scott came home from his mission
* We’ve realized our family is complete
* We won our battle with the school district
* Helped my sister, Lisa, move into her first house
Throughout the past year, I have completed a total of 588 posts between my personal blog and Tip Junkie! Hopefully you’ve found them inspiring, uplifting, and worth the read.
Both this blog (personal) and Tip Junkie have grown so much, with a combined total of 688 regular subscribers. I’m so grateful for all of you! As of right now my personal blog has had 50,700 visitors and Tip Junkie has 116,300 visitors. WOW! Thank you so much for taking an interest in what I’m interested in. Thank you for validating my need to share and be heard.
Blogging has given each one of us a voice and that voice matters and is powerful. I feel honored to be apart of it.
I’ve been completely surprised and amazed at the impact blogging has had on my life. Some of the things I’ve learned are:
* Technical stuff like: downloading pictures from my camera, how to upload pictures to my blog, how to link in a post, etc.
* I’ve also learned how to make my own headers and buttons
* A little about html code
* How to use Photobucket to get a direct link for pictures and buttons
* Bloglines and Google Reader to make reading blogs more efficient instead of going to each blog individually to see if they’ve been updated.
* How to have new comments go to my e-mail so I can delete the spam comments that get posted on older posts and so I don’t have to check my blog directly to see if any new comments where posted.
* To use Flickr to find a picture for a post
Fun blog things I’ve participated in:
* Tons of meme’s and blogthings
* Participated in a Travel Swap & Witch Switch
* Picked Cherish as my word of 2008
* Had a blog crush
* Started the Great Tip Award which has now been changed to “I was Featured” on Tip Junkie
* Been featured on Today’s Creative Blog and have developed a friendship with Kim
* I’ve met bloggers in real life (MIRL) at Blogapalooza 2008, Jill’s 3rd Annual Blog party, and for lunch.
Most importantly, I’ve made some real connections and have been really inspired by other bloggers. I have felt more accepted and appreciated this past year than I ever have before. I’m making a Blurb book and therefore I feel like I have something to show what I’ve done this past year, which is important to me.
Memories that would normally be lost, I have record here to laugh at, reflect, and be grateful for. Even though this has been a difficult year for me personally, I’ve been able to focus on the positive, and stay grateful thanks to blogging.
Thanks for the journey Ladies! I’ve enjoyed every moment of it and am looking forward to another fabulous year!
Happy blogiversary!!!
WOW – Congrats on all the stuff you’ve created, been a part of and all the inspiration you’ve shared! I love your site(s) and appreciate all your creative energy, talent and hard work! Happy 1 year blogiversary :)!! Wendy PS: One day I hope to meet you in person!
Amazing, Laurie. So much accomplished and so much to be proud of! Thanks for the inspiration you bring to this mommy!
Happy Anniversary!
Yeah! I’m honored to be one of those numbers 🙂
Happy Blogiversary! I still lurk more than I comment (sorry) but I do love reading your posts everyday and I love Tip Junkie too. You give me a laugh and the way your encourage and cheer for your family and friends is contagious to me. I also get such a kick out of your thoughts in brackets {makes me chuckle}. Our beliefs are different, but I admire you so much and hope that you keep writing from your heart!
Great post! You seem like such a pro, I thought for sure you have blogged for years!
Happy Blogiversary!!
How neat! I can’t believe how many posts you have done in only one year. You are definitely a person who other people need to know about. You have tons of great insights and ideas, and most of all you seem very real and sweet! Glad blogging has given you so much happiness! Keep it up, I love your entries!
WHOOHOO! AWESOME YEAR OF BLOGGING! so glad to have found you. and consider you a blog friend! busy year. but you have done great in real life. hugs!
and WOW!
Can’t wait to see what happens in the next year! You are wonderful. Your blog is inspiring. Keep writing. We’ll keep reading!
Happy Blogiversary!
Not only you have acomplished a lot, but you’ve have inspired others including myself.
Thank you so much for introducing me to this amazing world of blogging!
Congratulations! You really are an inspiration.
Happy Blogiversary Laurie. I am just now making the connection between your life blog and Tip Junkie. I’m a little slow.
Thanks for all you do and share with us.
Sweet Blessings!
you are AWESOME! And I only wish that I ran on “Laurie” time… I really don’t know how you do ALL that you do!
Thanks for inspiring!!
Happy Blogiversary!! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog these last several months that I’ve been blogging.
Hi, I followed your link from Wendy’s. I must say that I relate to your number 3 point. My son also has that and is medicated. A very difficult decision. Unfortuneatly, he got it from me!! Always nice to have that extra dose of motherly guilt. 🙂
Laurie ~ your blogs are so much fun to read! Thank you for sharing your interests and talent with us.
Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog, even if I don’t always comment. I love the things we learn and the inspiration we find from those around us.
happy blog-anniversary! your blog is so much fun to read. thanks for sharing all your ideas and letting me peek into your life.
Congrats on your blogiversary! That is so fun and you have shared so many fun things in the past year!
Congratulations! I don’t comment as much as I should but, I totally enjoy your blog. Your energy is inspirational to say the least. I look forward to another year of great stuff!
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